Country of birth*
Province (*)
City of birth*
If you were born abroad and do not have a tax code, please enter your ID number.(*) The Province field is compulsory only if the country of birth is Italy
Tax Code*
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)*
Confirm e-mail*
Use the SAVE AS DRAFT button if you wish to complete your CV later without losing the data entered so far. We will send you an e-mail with the link to the save page where you can complete your CV. Your application will not be taken into consideration until you have finished entering the data requested and sent your CV..
Country of citizenship*
Marital status*
Enter at least one telephone number to be contacted in the future (only numbers).*
Postal Code (*)
Address, house number*
(*) The fields Province and Postal Code are compulsory only if your country of residence is Italy
Member of a protected category?
Type of protected category
Qualification (you must enter your highest qualification)*
Start Year (yyyy)*
Qualification (if other)
Score (digits)*
Date Graduated (mm/yyyy)*
Specific field of study
Full marks?
Thesis: teaching and title
Filed of study
Year Graduated (yyyy)*
from (mm/yyyy)
to (mm/yyyy)
Completed on schedule?
Have you taken part in educational programmes abroad?
Other notes
No experience
Currently employed
Last work experience
Position / Activity description*
Job category*
Country of employment*
Annual gross salary (in €) / Remuneration
Start date (dd/mm/yyyy)*
Business sector*
End date (dd/mm/yyyy)*
Experiences abroad
Notes (acquired skills, workplaces abroad, etc.)
What are your reasons for changing?
Knowledge level*
Specify any certifications
Knowledge level
Are you willing to move to Italy?
Are you available for internships?
Are you interested in a part-time employment contract?
Are you available for transfers to Italy?
Are you available for transfers abroad?
Are you willing to move abroad?
Are you interested in a short-term employment contract?
Desired job category
Annual gross salary desired (in €)
Any other requirements
Allowed formats for attachments: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .png. Maximum allowable size of attachments: 2MB.
Attach your CV
Attach your photo
Attach another document
To add a video CV, please add link to YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox (or similar) so that it can be watched online.
Attach video CV (URL)
A brief self-presentation is appreciated.
Meccanotecnica India Pvt. Ltd. C-23 & C-24, SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Pallapatti Village, Nilakottai Taluk, Dindigul District – 624 201. Tamil Nadu, India Phone: +91 4543 350603 Email: Privacy / Cookie policy
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